Deciphering the role of HLA in COVID-19 immunity is a critical step toward understanding the virus, creating clinical interventions for patients with increased vulnerability, and developing therapies. To embark on this life-saving research, a database is needed to store, analyze, and validate our data. This database will serve as the epicenter of this vital research.
As a leader in the HLA community and manager of the world's largest HLA database - 20 million HLA samples - Be The Match will spear head this crucial cooperative effort.
Working in collaboration with University of California, San Francisco, Be The Match Foundation has committed to contributing indispensable data and raising the requisite philanthropic funds needed to launch this transformational research.

Because you are a valuable member of our community, we invite you to become a life-saving sponsor for the HLA COVID-19 Database.
This work is vitally important to the future of our field and could not happen without your generous support.
Sponsorship benefits include:
- Visibility in the rapidly expanding HLA community
- The opportunity to demonstrate commitment to COVID-19 response to the general public
- Logo and branding recognition on site and digital communications in line with giving level